Includes the “El Prez” DLC (just a toursit costume for your avatar). The game was developed by Haemimont Games and published by. 6 MacBook Version DownloadTropico 6 MacBook Version Download 2019. RAM: 4 GB Free Disk Space: 30 GB OS X Version: 10.10 & up Processor: i5. The game was tested and found working on all iMac and MacBooks computers. Tropico 6 MacBook Version can be download now using torrent. Final Cut Pro 10.4.6 posted on Ma| under Apple, Application, . and infrastructure possibilities for tropico 6 mac download. The Tropico 6 language is automatically selected by the game. MacOS Beta-Branch players simply opt-out of the branch to get the full version. Tropico game, tropico gameplay, tropico games ranked, tropico game review, tropico game pass, tropico gamefaqs, tropico game pc, tropico game music, tropico game mac, tropico gameplay android